# libscheaders — Grab bag of header-only C++ functionality ## Build Headers only, so: no build step! ## Install `sudo make install` or, on OpenBSD: `doas gmake install` ## Documentation In progress. Currently, there are 4 headers: functools.hpp : Contains nestable versions of the functional programming triad `map`, `filter`, and `reduce`. Whereas the C++ Standard Library algorithms can handle different containers, as usual, these versions only work with `std::vector`, with the specific feature that they can be nested. integer_locale.hpp : Contains a custom locale which displays long integers with a dot (`.`) as thousands separator. plugin.hpp : Contains full support for POSIX shared libraries to be used as plugins. Defines an interface for a generic plugin class. I use this in my [screensaver](https://git.bobpolis.com/bob/screensaver/) project. sync_queue.hpp : This is taken from Bjarne Stroustrup's book "The C++ Programming Language", 4th Ed., and implements a simple thread-safe queue.